Publish What You Pay Writing about the extractive industries is an important area for journalists W
Water scarcity, exacerbated by climate change, could cost some regions up to 6 percent of their GDP,
The growing use of plastic food containers in developing countries means their citizens are now expo
A new law starting on May 1 in Berlin to curb on holiday rentals like Airbnb can lead to thousand
Erin Biba As computers get smarter, scientists look at new ways to enlist them in environmental prot
Afrobarometer, a pan-African, non-partisan research network, recently released a report highlighting
John McGarrity A new report outlines how coal use is the number one threat to water supplies The bur
Shefali Luthra One in four adults leaving hospital had on their hands a superbug: a virus, bacteria
Sophia V. Schweitzer Residents of low-income housing need energy efficiency more than others, but ar
Nelson Garcia, a member of the same Indigenous rights group as murdered activist Berta Caceres, has
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